For our youth activity this week we took the Priests/Laurels/Mia Maids rappelling. The younger boys are all at scout camp and the Beehive girls had another activity to do. This is what it is supposed to look like. All the youth had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed it. Since Russell has been gone all week to scout camp with Donovan and Christopher....that left the younger boys with me to go......
Rappelling! They climbed to the top with the other leaders and youth and had a grand time watching. Michael really wanted to try it and would talk himself in and out of it on a regular basis. Nephi wanted to try but the harness was too big for him.

This is how it is supposed to be done.

Michael is at least attempting it. He is the white "dot." Where he stopped was actually the hardest part of the whole thing. He ended up climbing back up and didn't do it.

So he ended up having to walk back down the "trail." By this time it's dark out - but the kids are still having a great time!

Here comes Nephi!

Enjoying cinnamon rolls while waiting for everyone to get ready to head back to the church.

Michael with his treat.