Last Saturday on the 25th of September, our ward youth had a temple trip to the Portland Oregon Temple. Our Young Women's president has small boys and we have 2 smallish boys. So...I offered to watch her kids so she could attend the temple with her husband. Then another friend called wanting to know if I could watch her two small boys. Their 2 older boys had just turned 12 and she and her hubby wanted to attend the temple with them on their first time. I said sure....why not. Most people probably thought I was crazy, insane, whatever. We had so much fun! My boys play really well with either set of visiting brothers - who also play well together so I didn't a problem.
We collected grasshoppers, lady bugs and beetles. I just had to remind a certain 4 year old not to shake the jar or else his grasshoppers might throw up on him. He wanted to take them home and let them loose in his bedroom.
All 6 boys just about polished off a huge plate of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies as well. I didn't have a problem with this because I knew what went in those cookies. Lots of yummy stuff!
We had a really fun picnic style lunch on the family room floor and watched a movie. I don't own any highchairs for 2 of the boys - so this worked really well.