Each person in Michael's first grade class did a report on their favorite farm animal. Michael did an awesome job on his report this morning. He talked about cows. Specifically - the neighbor cows. The pictures you see - we went out to the pasture and took them ourselves. Michael drew the other pictures except for the milk and cookies. I helped him with those.
Donovan and Christopher both earned really important awards at school this year. Both boys earned the Citizenship All-Star Award and were recognized for outstanding citizenship by exhibiting the mastery of lifeskills! :) Great job boys.
WOOHOO BOYS!!! Nephi will get the award for the best stay-at-home brother EVER! ;-)
Nephi got the broken glasses award. lol We took his glasses in to be adjusted and the right side was broken. They have to be shipped out for repairs.
Congrats on the awards! Great way to end the school year. Now go outside and play :-)
We would love to go outside and play. Except it's been pouring rain most of the week - and today! Where is summer? It feels like fall.
Great Job Boys!! It is always fun to end school with awards. Congratulations. And nice presentation Michael.
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