One of my stations this year is supposed to be Egg boiling. I did it at girls camp when I was 13 I think. That was over 20 years ago. I remember using a paper cup, an egg and water. I put the egg in the cup and added water. I put it over the fire and made me a hard boiled egg. The only problem I am finding out is....
I don't remember how long it took. (sheepish grin) Today I tried this experiment again with a wood fire instead of using charcoal like yesterday. Yesterday the cups caught on fire and water came pouring out. The wood fire method in theory should have worked today. Maybe the fire wasn't hot enough. The cups did well though. Come with me on my egg boiling catastrophe (journey I mean). Don't try this at home. :)

they clearly weren't hard boiled. After 45 minutes on the fire.
Let's take a commercial break and enjoy some lovely roses. Courtesy of Michael.
Back to our scheduled show. Let's change the channel for a moment. I had this nice fire going and felt like it would be a waste to put it out. I had Russell put together ham and cheese sandwiches and I grilled them on my little fire.
Boy do those look good!
Nephi dived right into his.
I figured third time is a charm. Maybe - just maybe the fire wasn't hot enough. Well - these coals were super duper hot. For the last time I put another egg on the fire.
We pulled double duty and thought roasting marshmallows would be good to pass the time.

A long story short.....this last egg in a cup was on the fire for an hour. Nope. Nada. Nothing. The egg was not hard boiled. We will not be doing egg boiling at camp. We will be using the eggs however. Just not for the original intended purpose.
We will be making Golden Prairie Nuggets. A.K.A. scrambled eggs. Always have a Plan B.
I love it! Plan B works for me...did you ever figure out what went wrong with the egg boiling? You have me wondering now. LOL
I never did figure it out. I got tired of trying. Either my fire wasn't hot enough or I didn't leave my cups on long enough. But I figure an hour is plenty of time. The boys won't have that long for a station so I had to change to Plan B since they only have about 50 minutes per station.
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