Can you believe it's 2010? I am not ready for another year to begin. I guess I really don't have a say in the matter so best to suck it up, move forward and make some goals.
My goals this coming year....
1. exercise - I am pretty sure being a couch potato is in my genes so have to continually remind myself to get up and around. I cannot allow myself to put on extra weight due to back problems. So far - I don't weigh anything like I did on my mission. I hover right around 140 and like it there.
2. study the scriptures better - I read them regularly. But am I getting enough out of them? I really loved Sister Walker's video she showed in Sunday School when we visited my in-laws church. It made what was in the scriptures come to life. Something I struggle with. How do I make it personal for me? How can I teach my children to apply the scriptures to them if I struggle with making it personal for me?
3. I know there was another one - but can't remember what it was. I guess it wasn't important. If it was - maybe the thought will resurface before the end of the year. :)
What are your 2010 goals? Good luck in accomplishing them!
5 days ago
A lot of my goals go with food storage and being self reliant. Also to attend the temple more often. I also want to learn how to make homemade bread and a few other things I can't think of right now.
Another year, another journey!Not easy to stick to our goals! This year I will try to make my lie easier.
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