5 days ago
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
An upgrade...
This afternoon Nephi will be upgraded to a walking cast! He is super excited. :) Now he will be able to have a bath and soak in the tub. He's been wanting to do that for 2 months now!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The highest award to be earned...
in Cub Scouts is the Arrow of Light. Friday night at pack meeting two of the boys in our pack have earned this award. Our Christopher and his friend R. I am really proud of both of them. It wasn't easy and they perservered.
L-R Me, Russell, Christopher, Cubmaster, R. The boys were reciting their final cub scout promise. I (insert name), promise to do my best to do my duty to God, to my country, to help other people, and to obey the law of the pack.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
A new job...
I finished my first day at my "new" job today! One of the teachers where Michael and Nephi go to school needs help cleaning her house. It took about 2 1/2 hours from top to bottom. I figure - if I could get just one more house - don't want any more than that - and do them both that would be good supplemental income when Russell doesn't go to National Guard any more.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It's fixed!
I feel like I've been reunited with an old friend! The part arrived today so my computer could be fixed! Hooray!
Monday, September 22, 2008
The "beet" goes on...
For part of our dinner we had some of the roasted beets I did earlier today. I added a little butter, salt and pepper and zapped them in the microwave just to warm them up. I loved the flavor and am somewhat sad I didn't know I liked these several years ago. Michael loved them. He came back for seconds! Christopher said they tasted like carrots. They kind of do. Donovan and Christopher and Nephi all only ate one piece of beet. Russell on the other hand ran away. Very far away. lol
Now for the Chocolate cake I made for treat tonight. The boys (even beet hater Russell) came back for seconds! I added 2 cups of pureed beets to the batter and they didn't even bat an eye. lol I sure am a sneaky mom/wife. :)
Now for the Chocolate cake I made for treat tonight. The boys (even beet hater Russell) came back for seconds! I added 2 cups of pureed beets to the batter and they didn't even bat an eye. lol I sure am a sneaky mom/wife. :)
A new discovery....
A family friend gave us fresh beets from their garden yesterday. I've only grown up with the pickled beets my parents used to make. I hated them. A lot. I wasn't adverse to trying these fresh ones but you know how your mind sometimes won't let you? Like a mental block from past experience? Well I found a recipe online for roasting the beets so there wasn't messy red water to deal with. I did that and peeled them. I cut a little bit off one beet to see how they taste naturally. I discovered I like them! I thought the flavor was a cross between mushrooms and green beans. So - I have some cubed I will add a little butter and salt and pepper to and have the kids try at dinner tonight. I think they will like them. They've never had them or ever seen a beet. If they say they don't like beets - well are they in for a surprise. I added pureed beets to the chocolate cake I made for Family Home Evening tonight. I tasted the cake to see if it would "pass" kid radar and they won't even have a clue. :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
What do you do when...
something is wrong with the computer? That was the question Russell asked Donovan last night. I said "I know, I know!" Russell said "what?" I told him I just wait for him to come home and let him look at it. Russell said that wasn't the right answer. I thought it was. :)
I can't post pics for a little while because the video card crashed on my computer and my computer savvy hubbie is fixing the problem. Hopefully the delay won't be too long....
I can't post pics for a little while because the video card crashed on my computer and my computer savvy hubbie is fixing the problem. Hopefully the delay won't be too long....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Nephi is the birthday guy!
Six years ago today Nephi our birthday guy joined our family. He was our preemie arriving in style. He came by way of c-section and weighed 4 lb 14 oz and 18 inches long.
Then and now....
You can't tell by looking at him now that he was ever that little! Happy birthday Nephi! We love you! :) (He has this huge smile because his backpack contains cookies to share with his kindergarten class today.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
It worked!
Our little surprise for the birthday boy (one day in advance) was a hit! He had NO idea. He thought the cupcakes hiding in our bedroom were for me to take to Relief Society tonight. lol He thought the wrapped present sitting on Russell's nightstand was for somebody else! Lucky little fellow - his birthday will actually be over several days as different grandparents sent birthday stuff on different schedules.
A very happy 6 year old! (Almost)
We got him the Indiana Jones lego Original Adventure computer game. He loves stuff like that and was so excited! I am glad. I never was a boy and sometimes have a hard time coming up with gifts I think the boys might like. Good thing I have Russell to shop with!

Tomorrow is Nephi's 6th birthday. What he doesn't know - is that because of obligations we have tomorrow that can't be changed - we are having his birthday today! I am trying to get dinner stuff ready without him paying too much attention. We are having pizza that each person can top themselves. I made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting this morning and hid them. I can't wait to see the look on his face!
I took him to the store after school to pick out cookies to share with his class tomorrow. He picked the E.L. Fudge ones that look like elves. I don't really like the idea of having to buy cookies and such from the store when I can make them myself but I do understand the reason the school has it so. Some people's kitchens would make a person sick to look at - much less eat from.
I'm off to work on more surprises! :)
I took him to the store after school to pick out cookies to share with his class tomorrow. He picked the E.L. Fudge ones that look like elves. I don't really like the idea of having to buy cookies and such from the store when I can make them myself but I do understand the reason the school has it so. Some people's kitchens would make a person sick to look at - much less eat from.
I'm off to work on more surprises! :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
And so it has begun...
ALL the boys have been gone ALL morning! Nephi will be home in an hour. The bus came just after 7 a.m. so I have been a busy bee. I got all the laundry done, 6 qts of pears processed, about 6 cups applesauce made and even got a shower! Woohoo! I think I am going to like this school year! Oh - I cranked up the volume on Russell's computer (it's better than mine) and have been listening to my favorite music all morning! (And no one is complaining they don't like it!) lol
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A trip with Nephi to the Fracture Clinic today...
The first thing that had to happen today was get the big full leg cast off. Nephi was a little apprehensive about the saw. The nurse was explaining that it wouldn't cut him - just the fiberglass cast.

She had these really neat reversable pliers that separated where she cut.
The top half of the cast is now gone! Look at all that padding!
Nephi really has a leg under all that! The dead skin flaking wasn't too bad. Almost non-existant.
The nurse had me wipe down his leg with alcohol before the new cast and x-rays. Nephi liked it at first and then it itched really bad.
I circled where the spiral break was and drew two lines to where the fractures are. They are barely visible. They have healed tons in the past 4 weeks.
Putting on the "cast sock" for the new cast.

Monday, September 8, 2008
As some of you know....
I am the Cub Scout den leader for the Wolves/Bears. I am also the Program Director for Day Camp in our county. I got to register for Pow Wow today! I was so excited! It's an all day training session for cub scout leaders. There are many classes to choose from. You are not required to take only classes for the areas you work with. Which makes Pow Wow fun!
The classes I signed up for are...
1 Wood Projects
2 Edible Crafts
3 Crafts on a Budget
4 lunch
5 Great Skits and Wacky Run-ons
6 Cub Scout Science
7 Special Awards for Cubs and Cub Leaders
I splurged this year and signed up for three classes that required a small fee. Overall - the "extra" cost - if it can be called that - is so worth it to me. For all the classes (including extra fees classes and lunch - only $24!)
I am hoping most of the classes I take will give me ideas to fill in for empty spaces as I am planning day camp for next summer. I think I will have lots of ideas to help me! I can't wait for November 15th!
The classes I signed up for are...
1 Wood Projects
2 Edible Crafts
3 Crafts on a Budget
4 lunch
5 Great Skits and Wacky Run-ons
6 Cub Scout Science
7 Special Awards for Cubs and Cub Leaders
I splurged this year and signed up for three classes that required a small fee. Overall - the "extra" cost - if it can be called that - is so worth it to me. For all the classes (including extra fees classes and lunch - only $24!)
I am hoping most of the classes I take will give me ideas to fill in for empty spaces as I am planning day camp for next summer. I think I will have lots of ideas to help me! I can't wait for November 15th!
Nephi's first day of school and I didn't cry!
Our last boy started kindergarten today! I thought I might be sad - BUT I wasn't! He was excited to go and very disappointed he couldn't go on the bus.
Getting ready to leave the house for school.
Walking up to the school.
Choosing a story for "homework" tonight.
At choosing time. Apparently Nephi loves to play with Mr. Potato Man!
After I dropped him off I hurried to the store then hurried home to get Family Home Evening treat done and bread that was raising into the oven. It got done about 5 minutes before it was time to leave to pick up Nephi. That was good timing. I even got a load of laundry started.
After I picked up Nephi he really wanted to see if he could try the bus steps. He tried and was successful going up AND down! I waited at the bottom with his crutches. He used the railings on either side to pull himself up. He was so excited! It will be the bus for him from now on. I just have to drive him down the road to the bus stop.

After I dropped him off I hurried to the store then hurried home to get Family Home Evening treat done and bread that was raising into the oven. It got done about 5 minutes before it was time to leave to pick up Nephi. That was good timing. I even got a load of laundry started.
After I picked up Nephi he really wanted to see if he could try the bus steps. He tried and was successful going up AND down! I waited at the bottom with his crutches. He used the railings on either side to pull himself up. He was so excited! It will be the bus for him from now on. I just have to drive him down the road to the bus stop.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
It's been a busy, busy day.
Today we have been going non-stop it feels like. While visiting with Neil and Echo yesterday - they both said to pick their apples and pears as they won't use them. So Russell and I picked what we could reach. (I mean Russell picked what he could reach.) I wouldn't be able to reach much of any thing - even on a ladder the trees were so tall.
After dropping off Donovan and Christopher for a Boy Scout hike and running to the library to protest an overdue book (found later today at the library - whew!) I came home to work on apples. I got 7 qts of applesauce!
While the apples were cooking to get soft - I picked green beans and Russell picked peas and zucchini. I got 6 pints of green beans done today too! I figured since I had the canners out - I would go ahead and take care of the dry black beans sitting on the counter. So....I canned 5 qts and 1 pint of black beans as well.
After dinner I also made homemade noodles to go with the chicken soup for dinner tomorrow. The french bread is in the oven. That way - when we get home from church I just have to heat up the soup and we can eat!
I got one load of laundry done and read the little boys a bed time story. My time with them at the end of the day. They were busy playing ALL day long and didn't have to visit with me. I didn't hear any squabbles from them at all. I think they cherish their play time more now that school has started. :)
After dropping off Donovan and Christopher for a Boy Scout hike and running to the library to protest an overdue book (found later today at the library - whew!) I came home to work on apples. I got 7 qts of applesauce!
While the apples were cooking to get soft - I picked green beans and Russell picked peas and zucchini. I got 6 pints of green beans done today too! I figured since I had the canners out - I would go ahead and take care of the dry black beans sitting on the counter. So....I canned 5 qts and 1 pint of black beans as well.
After dinner I also made homemade noodles to go with the chicken soup for dinner tomorrow. The french bread is in the oven. That way - when we get home from church I just have to heat up the soup and we can eat!
I got one load of laundry done and read the little boys a bed time story. My time with them at the end of the day. They were busy playing ALL day long and didn't have to visit with me. I didn't hear any squabbles from them at all. I think they cherish their play time more now that school has started. :)
5 September 2008 Neil and Echo's Wedding
Neil and Echo had a very short marriage ceremony at the Polk County Courthouse in Dallas, OR. While they were filling out paperwork we got some really fun family shots...
My sister Becky and me.
L-R Marie (our mom), Aiden (Echo's daughter), Christopher (our boy) and Nathaniel (our nephew)
Grandpa Rogers with Michael and Mercedes. Donovan walking by.
My dad...A.K.A. Grandpa Dysart.
Mercedes looking up into the very tall tree.
Becky made Neil and Echo's wedding cake. She finished decorating it at their house.
There is actually a funny story that goes with this cake. Neil and Echo insisted on a rice krispie cake. They didn't want anything traditional. Dad really wanted for them to have a traditional cake. So....Becky made the top layer only of cake so Dad could have some cake and the bottom two layers are rice krispie treats. The rest of the story is down several pictures. It's a great joke on Neil and Echo....
Walking with the judge to the spot where the ceremony will take place.
Echo and Neil with the judge.
Echo's mom was a witness for her. Then we have Echo, Neil and our dad was a witness for him.
Echo and Neil.
Echo's mom and Echo.
Neil and Dad.
Grandpa Rogers with Nephi. Michael and Mercedes.
Exchanging of the rings.
Echo, Neil and the judge.
Neil getting a hug from Mom.
Echo and Mom.
Echo and Neil.

Echo, Neil and Nathaniael.
The reception was held at their house. Neil is running the BBQ. He wouldn't let anyone help.
So....Russell and Dad got to visit.
Echo in their kitchen. She wouldn't let anyone help her either.
The cake.

The rest of the cake story. Neil and Echo insisted on Dad cutting the cake. Becky and I had a hard time convincing Neil that Dad should start at the top "because of the way the cake was sitting." So finally - Dad starts cutting. Neil and Echo do not know the top is cake. They are thinking the whole cake is rice krispies. Dad starts commenting on how easy the cake is to cut.
Neil then realizes the joke is on him and Echo. I love their facial expressions....
He did think it was a good joke on them. Becky said it was for all 28 years of putting up with his practical jokes on her.
Mom and Dennis.
Neil and Echo cutting the rest of the rice krispies cake.
Echo and her niece Destiny.

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I just love this picture! The beach...it's the place to be!

I think this was in 2004. It was Nephi's first trip to the beach. The boys were all so little! My have they grown.
Meet the Parents...Russell and Candace

It all started for us when Russell left for Cape Town South Africa on a mission. Candace felt inspired to write him - so she did! We wrote for 3 1/2 years. Candace came home from her mission to the Texas Houston East Mission and we dated for 5 months. We married in July 1994 and have been happy ever after!
Son 1...Donovan
Our 14 year old boy scouter, 50 miler bike rider, cartoon drawer, computer gamer, book reader, clarinet player, babysitter, 8th grader boy!
Son 2...Christopher
Our 13 year old, boy scouter, harry potter computer gamer, lego creator, imaginator, book reader, 6th grader boy!
Son 3...Michael
Our 9 1/2 year old drama king, perfectionist (I wonder if he gets that from mom? lol), drawer of many things, 3rd grader boy!
Son 4...Nephi

Our8 year old keeper of surprises, leg breaker, book listener, lego creator, music enjoyer, 1st grader boy!