Our little surprise for the birthday boy (one day in advance) was a hit! He had NO idea. He thought the cupcakes hiding in our bedroom were for me to take to Relief Society tonight. lol He thought the wrapped present sitting on Russell's nightstand was for somebody else! Lucky little fellow - his birthday will actually be over several days as different grandparents sent birthday stuff on different schedules.

A very happy 6 year old! (Almost)

We got him the Indiana Jones lego Original Adventure computer game. He loves stuff like that and was so excited! I am glad. I never was a boy and sometimes have a hard time coming up with gifts I think the boys might like. Good thing I have Russell to shop with!
congrats on pulling off the surprise! he looks so happy!!! please wish him a very happy birthday for me. as for you you you, yes you, you have to eat a cupcake for me - and channel through what it's supposed to taste like. hugs...ellie
I'm so glad that Nephi had a wonderful birthday!!:) Congrats on being 6, little Nephi - I can't believe it's been 6 years since your youngest was born, Candace!:) What a sweetie.
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