Russell thought it would be a great idea to have a job chart like he did growing up. Where EVERYONE was on the chart! O ho! I see how this works. :) Now everyone is on the job rotation. Our rotation consists of living room (dust, put toys/books away and vacuum), toy room/laundry room (sweep, put toys away, bring in firewood, do the weekly laundry), dishes (empty/fill dishwasher, sweep floor, scrub floor, wipe off counters, set table, clear table, put food away and garbage. It's the biggest chore.), family room (dust, put books/toys away and vacuum) bathrooms (notice I said "rooms". do sinks, toilets, bath tubs, sweep, scrub floors, mirrors). Originally it was just the boys' bathroom on their rotation. Russell decided to make it both. And the final job isn't really a job at all! It's the vacation slot. I got it last week. I was so excited! I still had to make meals and such but I didn't HAVE to clean up after myself. hehee I rather like this rotation a lot! But - I try to be a nice mom and help out where I can. So - I do try and keep the kitchen somewhat in order while I can/bake/cook during the day. The boys are each anticipating their own vacation weeks where they aren't responsible for anything else but themselves.

That looks good. I keep trying to come up with an idea similar for our family. I think most are willing to help, they just don't think about it.
I absolutely love it! Can I borrow it? You are amazing!
Hey Leah!
Of course you can borrow it! :)
Wow, that's awesome, Candace, I love it! I need something like that, my 4 yo thinks cleaning up after him IS my job!
Good idea and it's dared cute too!!
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