5 days ago
Thursday, April 30, 2009
No not the swine flu virus. The whine flu virus. I feel like whining for a minute. I had two nasty viruses on my computer. :( At least I have a computer savvy hubbie who can fix these things. :) So Becky - that's why you ended up with a rather questionable IM from me. I wasn't even IMing anyone until you asked later last night. Interesting. Which would explain why I got a rather questionable IM from Carrie as well. Somebody out there has way to much time on their hands....
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
An experiment...
I am trying a new experiment. After doing some online research I decided to give it a go. I will try my experiment faithfully for 1 month and decide if it's working for me or not. Then I will post what the experiment was and my experience. You will just have to be patient! :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Girls, girls, girls....and their moms....
I had a really nice morning today. Our Achievement Day girls had breakfast with their moms for a Mother's Day activity. All of them came except for one girl we couldn't reach. We (the Primary Presidency) made breakfast and served the moms and daughters. I can't wait for next year when we can do it again!
Now....we just need to figure out a wheelchair friendly outdoor activity for the daughters to do with their fathers in the fall! :)
Now....we just need to figure out a wheelchair friendly outdoor activity for the daughters to do with their fathers in the fall! :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Topsy Turvy Summer....
And summer isn't even here yet! We had some fun plans this summer. One of them was going camping with Russell's family. If I still have a tent when some boys and hubbie leave - I am going camping any way. Russell came home from church Sunday and announced he is going with Donovan to Scout camp this summer. From July 18-25. Right when Russell's family is camping. :( And our anniversary. :(
BUT - there is good news. He can take Christopher with them since he (the dad) is going! Maybe Chris' attitude will change for the better after being able to pass some stuff off.....
I hope.
Man the house will sure be quiet with only two boys....At least they entertain each other really well.
BUT - there is good news. He can take Christopher with them since he (the dad) is going! Maybe Chris' attitude will change for the better after being able to pass some stuff off.....
I hope.
Man the house will sure be quiet with only two boys....At least they entertain each other really well.
Monday, April 20, 2009
What to do...
I have a certain 6 year old going on 60. He is going through a phase that is driving me up a wall rather quickly. He has this notion that it is okay to tell Russell or I "I don't have to." Or a flat out "NO" when being told to get ready for school, eat breakfast, brush teeth, etc. He got a spanking this morning and his mouth slapped. And lost computer privileges for a week because of a whole lot of mouthing back this morning. I am open to suggestions. Or you can just have this certain 6 year old until he turns 7 or 8. :) Vent over.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Oh Happy Day!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What to do with little boys...
It would seem every year we have a problem with little boys and a not so little boy disturbing the bird nests and eggs. I found a robin egg in the middle of the yard. I moved it so a friend could drive his little tractor over the yard to till the garden. Then Nephi informed me Christopher threw the nest over the fence the other day. We went to retrieve it. The egg won't survive since I moved it to avoid being smooshed.
I think Russell needs to have a talk with certain boys about not destroying other creatures homes. I feel bad for this egg. It will never hatch. It will never grow into a robin. It will never taste a juicy worm. It will never know the freedom of flying. It will never sing.
I will take it to school Friday to Nephi's kindergarten class. They are studying eggs and hatching chicken eggs. They will find it fascinating I think.
I think Russell needs to have a talk with certain boys about not destroying other creatures homes. I feel bad for this egg. It will never hatch. It will never grow into a robin. It will never taste a juicy worm. It will never know the freedom of flying. It will never sing.

It's the most wonderful time of the year...
Oh wait! It's not Christmas time. My most favorite, wonderful time of the year. It's spring! My most favorite, wonderful time of the year.
We have about 5 different hummingbirds that have taken up residence in our neighborhood. They like it here. I am glad. I could be content just watching them all day long. But then my house would be a disaster. This week it's okay. I am on vacation. No - really. I am. The job rotation says so.
This little fellow likes to perch on the hanging basket and sit for a good length of time. At least long enough for me to watch THEN go get my camera AND still be there when I come back. I zoomed in from my kitchen window.
We have about 5 different hummingbirds that have taken up residence in our neighborhood. They like it here. I am glad. I could be content just watching them all day long. But then my house would be a disaster. This week it's okay. I am on vacation. No - really. I am. The job rotation says so.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Michael's very special day.
In our church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - we don't have children baptized until they are 8 years old. We believe they aren't held accountable for right from wrong before that age. Michael turned 8 today. He was also baptized today. We had lots and lots of family in town to celebrate with us and to encourage Michael on his road back to Heavenly Father.
Michael and Russell. Michael has been waiting and waiting for this day forever. At least that is what he kept telling us!
Russell, Candace and Michael.
After Michael's baptism. All of Russell's extended family was able to be there and my Mom and Dennis were able to fly up from Utah. L-R Amdal family, Zaugg family, Zaugg family, Sheppard family, Rogers family, Zaugg family.
We had soup simmering and french bread all ready to go when we got home from church. I hurried and made up some punch and we were good to go. Here is most everyone enjoying their dinner. Things are pretty casual at our house. Not a lot of space. But enough to enjoy each other's company. Which is what we did. There have been requests for recipes for the soups.
Michael requested lemon cupcakes with lemon frosting. I made this recipe http://candaceskitchen.blogspot.com/2008/09/lemon-cupcakes-with-cream-cheese.html because I had made it before and he really loved it.

Chicken Noodle Soup http://candaceskitchen.blogspot.com/2008/07/chicken-soup-with-homemade-noodles.html
Olive Garden's Zuppa Tuscana http://candaceskitchen.blogspot.com/2009/04/olive-gardens-zuppa-tuscana.html

Michael turns 8! Isn't that great!
We had Michael open a couple of his presents this morning because he needed one of them for church.
Here he is looking at his new scriptures! He is so excited to have his very own set now.

Michael's birthday dinner.
Michael turns 8 on Easter Sunday. This means he will get baptized. So....we had our Easter dinner Friday night and Michael's birthday dinner last night. He wanted Chinese food. So....
we made...
L-R Pork and Prawns, Kung Pao Chicken and Sweet and Sour Chicken in the front. He loves Kung Pao Chicken. As long as he can....
we made...

Saturday, April 4, 2009
My little builder...

Thursday, April 2, 2009
I just have to squish them!
Should have known...
A couple of the boys woke up grumpy this morning. One because he almost always does. The other surprised me. He is usually happy go lucky.
Fast forward about 1 1/2 hours from breakfast. I get a call from grumpy boy's school. He looks kind of green and says he needs to throw up.
It was Michael. He has a fever. :( He didn't have one when I sent him off this morning. Nor did he complain he needed to throw up. He did make a trip to the bathroom though almost immediately after getting back home. He is fast asleep.
"Will you wake me up for lunch?" he says. At least he thinks his appetite is still working.
Fast forward about 1 1/2 hours from breakfast. I get a call from grumpy boy's school. He looks kind of green and says he needs to throw up.
It was Michael. He has a fever. :( He didn't have one when I sent him off this morning. Nor did he complain he needed to throw up. He did make a trip to the bathroom though almost immediately after getting back home. He is fast asleep.
"Will you wake me up for lunch?" he says. At least he thinks his appetite is still working.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My job...
I love my job. First and foremost I am a wife and mother. But - when the kids all go off to school for the day I am a skin care consultant. From spending about 1 hour on the computer this morning I made $200. You can check out my website here....
Got toothpaste?
All the boys and Russell finished getting their teeth cleaned yesterday. No cavaties. Nada. Nothing! A few of the boys needed sealants - but nothing major. Woohoo! I think I could count on one hand how many cavaties between all four boys. Maybe 4. I can't get in until the end of April.
I had to chuckle though. Right before Michael was done another little boy came out to his grandma. She asked how many cavaties? He said none. Then the dentist came out. It turns out this boy had so many cavaties the grandma had to schedule 4 appointments for them to be filled. I would have made only one appointment and let the kid suffer for a day or two. Cuz I am so mean! When Michael came out the grandma asked if he had any cavaties. We told her no. Then she really was upset with her grandson. Not in a physical kind of way. Just a "I'm diasappointed in you." kind of way. He tried to blame her. That didn't fly. Then he told her he needed a special toothbrush so he wouldn't get cavaties. The dentist said "If it will make him brush then get it." The toothbrush was one of those battery kind that run about $50-$60. Glad he wasn't MY kid!
Then Michael thought he should ask for one too. I told him the only things he needed to brush were the toothbrush he just got from the dentist AND his own two hands. He was disappointed I am sure.
Donovan gets to take a trip to the orthodontist on Monday though. He lost the teeth that needed to come out. Now some permanent ones get to be pulled. I have a feeling we will be making many trips from now on over the mountain. At least the weather is getting nicer.
A really great thing about our new dental plan is $5 co-pays at the dentist and $0 (yes zero) co-pay at the orthodontist. We pay a flat $1500 for braces. Whoohoo!
I had to chuckle though. Right before Michael was done another little boy came out to his grandma. She asked how many cavaties? He said none. Then the dentist came out. It turns out this boy had so many cavaties the grandma had to schedule 4 appointments for them to be filled. I would have made only one appointment and let the kid suffer for a day or two. Cuz I am so mean! When Michael came out the grandma asked if he had any cavaties. We told her no. Then she really was upset with her grandson. Not in a physical kind of way. Just a "I'm diasappointed in you." kind of way. He tried to blame her. That didn't fly. Then he told her he needed a special toothbrush so he wouldn't get cavaties. The dentist said "If it will make him brush then get it." The toothbrush was one of those battery kind that run about $50-$60. Glad he wasn't MY kid!
Then Michael thought he should ask for one too. I told him the only things he needed to brush were the toothbrush he just got from the dentist AND his own two hands. He was disappointed I am sure.
Donovan gets to take a trip to the orthodontist on Monday though. He lost the teeth that needed to come out. Now some permanent ones get to be pulled. I have a feeling we will be making many trips from now on over the mountain. At least the weather is getting nicer.
A really great thing about our new dental plan is $5 co-pays at the dentist and $0 (yes zero) co-pay at the orthodontist. We pay a flat $1500 for braces. Whoohoo!
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I just love this picture! The beach...it's the place to be!

I think this was in 2004. It was Nephi's first trip to the beach. The boys were all so little! My have they grown.
Meet the Parents...Russell and Candace

It all started for us when Russell left for Cape Town South Africa on a mission. Candace felt inspired to write him - so she did! We wrote for 3 1/2 years. Candace came home from her mission to the Texas Houston East Mission and we dated for 5 months. We married in July 1994 and have been happy ever after!
Son 1...Donovan
Our 14 year old boy scouter, 50 miler bike rider, cartoon drawer, computer gamer, book reader, clarinet player, babysitter, 8th grader boy!
Son 2...Christopher
Our 13 year old, boy scouter, harry potter computer gamer, lego creator, imaginator, book reader, 6th grader boy!
Son 3...Michael
Our 9 1/2 year old drama king, perfectionist (I wonder if he gets that from mom? lol), drawer of many things, 3rd grader boy!
Son 4...Nephi

Our8 year old keeper of surprises, leg breaker, book listener, lego creator, music enjoyer, 1st grader boy!