In our church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - we don't have children baptized until they are 8 years old. We believe they aren't held accountable for right from wrong before that age. Michael turned 8 today. He was also baptized today. We had lots and lots of family in town to celebrate with us and to encourage Michael on his road back to Heavenly Father.

Michael and Russell. Michael has been waiting and waiting for this day forever. At least that is what he kept telling us!

Russell, Candace and Michael.

After Michael's baptism. All of Russell's extended family was able to be there and my Mom and Dennis were able to fly up from Utah. L-R Amdal family, Zaugg family, Zaugg family, Sheppard family, Rogers family, Zaugg family.

We had soup simmering and french bread all ready to go when we got home from church. I hurried and made up some punch and we were good to go. Here is most everyone enjoying their dinner. Things are pretty casual at our house. Not a lot of space. But enough to enjoy each other's company. Which is what we did. There have been requests for recipes for the soups.

Michael requested lemon cupcakes with lemon frosting. I made this recipe because I had made it before and he really loved it.

Blowing out all 8 candles.

After all that yummy food Grandpa and Grandma Zaugg needed a little nap. They did have a long drive over this morning so they deserved it. Nighty nite!

Grandpa and Grandma Rogers decided they needed to work off their dinner. They got busy doing dishes.

All the younger grandkids having a blast playing air hockey while Uncle Erich looks on!

Most of the older kids and aunts and uncles were having fun watching something funny on the computer. Everyone had a great time.
We had a great time! Thanks. Just what kind of fabric would the boys like for laundry bags?
We had tons of fun Candace! Thanks for having us and tell Michael we love him!
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