All the boys and Russell finished getting their teeth cleaned yesterday. No cavaties. Nada. Nothing! A few of the boys needed sealants - but nothing major. Woohoo! I think I could count on one hand how many cavaties between all four boys. Maybe 4. I can't get in until the end of April.
I had to chuckle though. Right before Michael was done another little boy came out to his grandma. She asked how many cavaties? He said none. Then the dentist came out. It turns out this boy had so many cavaties the grandma had to schedule 4 appointments for them to be filled. I would have made only one appointment and let the kid suffer for a day or two. Cuz I am so mean! When Michael came out the grandma asked if he had any cavaties. We told her no. Then she really was upset with her grandson. Not in a physical kind of way. Just a "I'm diasappointed in you." kind of way. He tried to blame her. That didn't fly. Then he told her he needed a special toothbrush so he wouldn't get cavaties. The dentist said "If it will make him brush then get it." The toothbrush was one of those battery kind that run about $50-$60. Glad he wasn't MY kid!
Then Michael thought he should ask for one too. I told him the only things he needed to brush were the toothbrush he just got from the dentist AND his own two hands. He was disappointed I am sure.
Donovan gets to take a trip to the orthodontist on Monday though. He lost the teeth that needed to come out. Now some permanent ones get to be pulled. I have a feeling we will be making many trips from now on over the mountain. At least the weather is getting nicer.
A really great thing about our new dental plan is $5 co-pays at the dentist and $0 (yes zero) co-pay at the orthodontist. We pay a flat $1500 for braces. Whoohoo!
5 days ago
I want your dental plan!!! Our plan only covers $1500 for braces and we pay the rest. Catherine has been in braces since Nov, and I don't know when Zackary will be getting his.
Oregon made it so all the school districts have the same medical/vision/dental plan. It's called ODS. We really like the vision and dental. Medical is another story. But the other two make up for it I guess. :)
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