We had an amazing stake conference today and last night for the adult session. I had debated about not going last night but I am glad I went. Elder Ballard came to our stake conference and what a joy it was to sit at the feet of an apostle of the Lord and listen to his counsel. He talked about the parable of the 10 virgins last night and how we need to constantly, daily fill our lamps by doing the little things each day. Scripture reading, family home evening, personal prayers, family prayers, praying together as a couple before retiring each night. Doing these things will fill our lamps and keep our testimonies strong.
Today he talked about sacrament meetings and that they needed to be a place for people to come and feel the spirit. Not a place for people to do their business. We should teach our children to sit quietly and reverently the 10 minutes before the meeting starts and be listening to the soft prelude music being played. Our ward does a pretty good job but like everyone - can do better.
He also talked about grandparents are the memory makers. Grandparents should make spiritual memories with their grandchildren and help in teaching them gospel principles.
We didn't have an opportunity to shake his hand as he needed to catch a flight back to Salt Lake immediately after conference.
What an awesome day we had. It's not often a general authority comes to stake conference.
5 days ago
What?!? Prelude music?? I haven't heard that in months... since I was in Oregon, lol. :)
Maybe you haven't heard prelude music because drums and steel guitars and twangy singers aren't allowed in sacrament meeting.
LOL! We have an organist, but she just sits there and stares at the organ until it's time for the opening hymn.
Becky - just so you know - Island is Russell.
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