I went out early this morning to pick green beans in the garden. Well - I got a little bit more than just beans!

All this zucchini yielded 49 cups of shredded goodness to go in the freezer. There are several more zukes in the garden just growing away.
The cucumbers I stuck in the fridge. Under those were peas. Russell shelled them and those yielded over 2 cups - also for the freezer.

This huge tub is 2/3 full of green beans. I got 16 pints and 1 half pint today. It was a good haul.
Wow that is amazing. Lots of yummy food. Thanks for your comment on word verification, I responded on my blog.:) Awesome job at the fair by the way, you are very talented.
Lookin' good. I wish our garden ws doing as well.
Yeah, where was I when I could've been learning how to can all that goodness. I need to buy pellets and then on my top list of things to buy is a freezer!
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