Boohoo guess who has the swine flu? Russell does! Apparently his school district has been hit pretty hard in the past few weeks. He brought it home 3 weeks ago and we both were so sick. I had the really high fever for about a week, tired, achey all over and diarrhea. He had all the above minus diarrhea plus nasty cough and runny nose. He has round 2 of the really high fever, tired, achey body, runny nose and yucky cough. The county is saying don't go to the doctor. They won't give anything or check for swine flu specifically. Since the regular flu season doesn't start for another 2 months the doctor offices are treating all flu-like symptoms as H1N1. Lucky us. We are stocked up on OJ, bananas, toast, kleenex, afrin, cough drops, chollidial of silver and whatever else keeps us comfy and not so miserable.
The silver lining? The boys and I are happy and healthy. It's much easier to take care of one sick person than be sick myself.
Oink cough snort snort oink oink......
5 days ago
At least you have a great attitude and sense of humor about it all. Tell the Bishop we hope he feels better soon.
Your poor hubby.
Hopemhe gets well soon; maybe get some Vitamin C.
I hope Russell feels better soon Candace. I'm glad you got through it just fine.:)
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