The past couple of weeks have gone by really fast. Michael and I had a crazy day loading the Goodwill truck with other cub scouts 2 Saturdays ago. Then we had to leave early so Russell and I could go to the Temple. We had a really nice time there with other members of our ward and stake. The following Sunday was our Young Women's New Beginnings and the girls received the bracelets I worked so hard on. I don't know for sure - but think they like them. Have only seen 1 or 2 girls wearing theirs. While we were cleaning up after everyone left I took the trash out to the dumpster. The dumpster and I are not friends right now. While trying to close it....I re-tore my healing stomach muscles. Nothing feels as wonderful as a searing pain accompanied by tearing where there shouldn't be tearing! So....I gingerly made my way back into the building to get the YW Prez and had her help me close the dumpster. I think the combination of packing up the super swap the previous Friday, loading the Goodwill truck Saturday and setting up/cleaning up for the YW night made my body hold up several white surrender flags. No fear though. I've just been released from being a Cub Scout den leader so don't need to worry about that any more. I will miss it. Been doing it for the past 3 1/2 years. I am excited for an upcoming combined activity. The Mia Maids (my girls) are in charge. They wanted to do a scavenger hunt. They wanted to drive all over town. Um...not a good idea with the limited time and large group. So we told them they could have it at the church. We invited them to meet us this past Friday at the church to help locate hiding spots and come up with clues. No one showed but myself and our prez. So....I am gleefully happy they didn't. This will be a surprise for them. Which is what I want. I labeled the scavenger hunt by calling it "Where are your Treasures?" If you are in YW (Becky) and are interested for your activities - I will send you an email. I guess I should look at my YW lessons as well as I teach for the next 2 Sundays.
Let's see....what else. Oh - this weekend is another crazy busy one. Thursday night our district is having a dress rehearsal for a 100th Anniversary BSA breakfast. Then the boys have to return to said building by 7 a.m. Friday morning for the actual event. 3 of our boys are to be busy serving/whatever else needs help. N gets to be with me. I am really bummed Russell can't come but his school district doesn't start spring break until the following Monday. Then the real icing on the cake is the YW truck wash at PUD. We told the YM they could come and if they did - we would split the money earned for our various summer camps. I have strict orders from my wonderful hubby to NOT wash any trucks. I am allowed to man the hose and paperwork and that is IT! I hope there are a lot of little worker bees showing up cuz if not - we will be there all day. And I still have a cough. Not near as frequent but still deep. I have to double over when I do cough as I can feel the stomach muscles not liking the strain. I am now allergic to all narcotics and the one medicine I can take I can only take at night as it makes me sleepy.
5 days ago
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