Okay. For the past 1 1/2 weeks Nephi has been complaining of his stomach hurting. It's always in the same spot. His bellybutton. It doesn't hurt worse if he's eating dairy, spicy or wheat products. Well I took him to the dr. on Monday. They didn't find anything wrong. He even left them urine and blood samples.
Fast forward to Tuesday. I finished cutting Nephi's hair and was helping him get the water started for his shower. He was getting ready to get in when I noticed spots. Lots of them on his left buttocks. They almost looked like bug bites. I am thinking - bugs in his underwear? Now that's a new one. So I checked his spots before he went to bed Tuesday night. A few more were there.
Wednesday I got a phone call from the dr. office to tell me his white blood count from the samples left were normal. I check Nephi's spots again before school. A few more - this time on the right buttocks and a couple starting on his leg. They don't itch. He doesn't have a fever. Or a sore throat. Or any ear pain. Nothing. Just these spots that resemble chicken pox. So he goes to school.
Wednesday night there are more spots between his legs. One on his left buttocks has ruptured. It's looking pretty pussy. Still no itching.
Thursday morning The spots appear to stay the same. However - I don't like the look of them so called the dr. office and took him in after school. Yes - he went to school. Does this make me a bad mother? No fever, no itching, no coughing, kids aren't touching where his underwear is, no exposed rash anywhere. I asked the dr. about it and she thought as long as he wasn't scratching school should be fine. I felt a little better.
At the dr. appt Thursday afternoon she was looking at this now lovely rash which is looking very itchy to me at least. She is pretty sure it's impetigo - a staph infection on the skin. She took a culture from the big one that ruptured on his left buttocks. I am expecting a phone call tomorrow to let us know for sure what it is. The lab takes a couple days I guess.
Friday. Nephi is home today. He said the spots on his knee are starting to itch. He is on antibiotics to get rid of the infection. He also has a prescription strength topical cream that goes on his sores 2 x a day. There are even more spots this morning. Even with 3 doses of antibiotics in him. Makes me wonder if it's something other than impetigo.
A good thing is Nephi's stomach doesn't hurt anymore. I am wondering if there is a correlation between the sore stomach and the rash. When one went away the other appeared.
On a side note - the transmission in the van is making funny noises. It started yesterday after I took dinner to a family in our ward. At least I got that part done. I have to go help at a funeral this afternoon and take some food in to the church so I am hoping the car will survive a trip to town and back home again.
Life in the moment... Is crazy at times.
5 days ago
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