Oh MRI wherefore art thou MRI?
I long to lie still inside thy metal tubing.
Oh MRI, oh MRI wherefore art thou?
I am patiently waiting for the doctor
To schedule our appointment.
Oh MRI, oh MRI wherefore art thou?
What will you see inside my innards?
Will everything be o o okay?
Oh MRI, oh MRI wherefore art thou?
Seriously - I am not looking forward to this appointment with the MRI. I am extremely claustrophobic. One set of pictures will be taken then a dye put in and then another round of pictures. Then the pictures will be compared to the ones I had done 4 years ago. Just because I am lucky like that. :)
I am needing/wanting to know what is going on in my lower spine though. I am a person who likes to "do." Sitting and doing nothing drives me batty. I like to be able to bend and have my body move the way I want it to. But alas - I am not able to at this time.
Overall - I guess the sitting part wouldn't be so bad if I can still use my hands for whatever I want to keep busy with. Now...if the doctor's office would just return my phone call.
5 days ago
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