Over the past two weeks - I have done beets (the non-pickled kind - they are nasty), chicken, chicken stock with meat, tomatoes, cucumbers and venison. For all interested parties - I will post the canning process for the venison sometime later today in the "Is Dinner Ready" blog.
I have had numerous people tell me I was born in the wrong generation. I think not. I like when I was born thank you very much.
No way were you born in the wrong generation! I think people have not always passed down info to the next generation. Each generation wants to find easier ways of doing things, so someone's mom may not learn how to sew or can, or whatever. I like canning. And I really like canning meat. It is the easiest thing ever. Last week I did some chicken. I've always canned it raw, but this time I wanted to precook it just to see what it was like. Well, I really didn't like it. But I do like it raw packed. I also like to can beef. When a sirloin tip goes on sale, I will buy it and have the butcher in the store cut it up into stew meat for me. Then I bring it home and raw pack it. It is great. I like it for soup, stew, and beef stroganoff. My family doesn't always like hamburger, so I will use a can of beef. But they don't eat a lot of meat either, so I can stretch a can. But canning the beef is so easy, I don't even have to cut it, just the canning! (Sorry to write such a big comment.)
Candace...all I can say is :-O YOU ROCK!
No way! Can you imagine canning without a dishwasher to help clean jars? Or doing laundry the hard way?? Or hanging that deer from the rafters in your house so the meat would dry? lol. Not that you have rafters so that would be gross. Especially for Russ since he is so tall.
You're just frugal and awesome!
Candace, you are truly my hero. Can I come and live by you for a summer so you can teach me to can, garden, etc? My mom does know how to can, but she never taught me and my sister...sad. Now we live too far away. What kind of canner do you have (you could e-mail me)? I could at least ask you questions by e-mail about what you do.
Candace you were born just at the perfect time!! I'm so glad you enjoy the things that you do, as I like many of those things too (I just don't know how to can or quilt but I would love to learn how:)
Keep up the great work!
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