We are saying good-bye. It's been an extraordinary 15 years. This past weekend Russell finished his final drill with the National Guard. He has proudly served our country for the past 15 years and spent 15 months away from us serving in Iraq. He has served with the Washington Army Reserves, Utah National Guard, Arizona National Guard and Oregon National Guard. We are so proud of our soldier husband/dad. The fine example he is of patriotism and I hope our boys can be just like him.

Russell just before boarding the plane leaving for Iraq. Taken April 2003.

Last night Russell was letting the boys try on his flack vest before returning it this Friday. Here is Nephi - the picture didn't turn out too well.

Russell helping Michael.

Donovan's turn.

Christopher opted for the helmet too! I even tried the vest on. The weight was tolerable. Russell said it was missing 45 lbs of ceramic (I think is what he said) things that are bulletproof. They have spots they slide into around the vest. That would be way too heavy for me.
YAY for you all! GRATZ and GREAT JOB RUSS & CANDACE!!!
the little boys look like they're having a lot of fun. chris looks way too "professional" (like the jacket and helmut were made for him) - so watch out they don't mistake him for a shortish soldier and try to recruit him. donovan, meanwhile, looks suspicious - like he's been watching the debates and questioning who in the heck the candidates are - and what makes them qualified to run a country. amazing what a few family snaps can bring out! hugs..ellie
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