Our ward had a Pioneer Day celebration/potluck this evening. In case you're reading this and wonder what the heck I am talking about....I will explain. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints celebrates Pioneer Day every July 24th. It's when we remember the pioneers who trekked across the plains and ended in Salt Lake City, Utah. We remember their hardships, why they came west, what we can learn from our ancestors and how we can be pioneers today in our own families.
After the potluck we were outside having a watermelon eating contest. The men were up first. Then my camera disappointedly (is that a word?) died. No warning. The lens part just wouldn't shut. So here are the guys....

Here they are getting ready! Russell is third on the left. He "got" to participate since he is the Bishop.

The race is on! I wonder who will be first....

Russell thought he was being smart by breaking his watermelon in half. Smaller pieces + bigger bites = victory. Right?

Wrong! Mike Foote was done in just a matter of seconds! He scarfed down his watermelon amazingly fast. Good job guys!
Russ, I'm disappointed in you. SHEESH! LOL j/k!
Russ, I'm disappointed in you. SHEESH! LOL j/k!
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