Nephi went to bed last night. Never a single word about a loose tooth. Ever. He woke up this morning and shyly comes out with his tooth in his hand. All we can gather is that he pulled it out in the middle of the night. So Michael of course gave Nephi the discourse on the tooth fairy and to put his tooth in a cup and go back to bed right away so the tooth fairy would come. I quelched that little myth and told Nephi the tooth fairy wouldn't come until he went to bed tonight. I love childhood tales of tooth fairies and the like! He had to pull down his lip a lot so I could get a decent picture! This is THE last time there will be a first tooth lost in our family. I am sad.
Oh, the last "first tooth". That's so sad. But look on the other side: There are a lot of other "firsts" you can look forward to four-times over! I hope the tooth fairy and her surprise makes Nephi happy.
Oh- I'm sad with you! I always wish I could keep my kids a certain age until I made the choice for them to move on!
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