Several months back I had finished this quilt top. That's all I did. I folded it up and put it with my UFO's. (UnFinished Objects.) Well I decided to follow my sister-in-law Andrea and put myself on probation. Thanks for the inspiration Andrea!

This particular quilt I made to take camping. Hence the denim. I must add - it is VERY heavy.

I used red calicoes and navy blue for the back. I love, love, love reds and denim colors together. Now that this quilt is officially done -can we go camping this summer Russell?
Hint, hint. (wink)
Your camping spot is reserved!
LOL! I got the idea Project Probation from Sheri, who was placed on Project Probation by Carrie, so I can't claim any credit. But it's really working for me. Glad to see it's working for you, too.
Nice quilt. I know how heavy those denim ones can get, but aren't they great? I still need to make my own. Oh, that's one more project to add to my probation list. LOL!
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