I had my nerve-racking trip to the dr. this morning for half of the glaucoma testing. Whoever said "It's painless" , "It's nothing to worry about" , "Everything will be fine" doesn't know what they are talking about.
The first part was fine pushing this little button everytime I saw a little blurp. The second part was even fine when the dr. scanned my cornea.
The next part was not fine. He put numbing drops in my eyes. Not cool. I don't even use eye drops. I don't like putting stuff in my eyes at all. Ever. Then he was going to put this mirror thingy IN my iris to look around. NO SIRREE! I wouldn't let him. It's a good thing patients have rights. He did the next best thing. He just LOOKED without the little mirror thingy. Just used his eye dr. equipment.
I have to go back. So he can dialate my eyes and do a laser scan. Russell can come with me so I can go home.
I don't like these mind games. At least for me they are. Wouldn't it just be better to quietly go about my business and then one day wake up and not be able to see? Then I wouldn't have had to go through the traumatic experience of weird lights being shined into my eyes and strange potions being forced into my eyes so they can go numb or be dialated.
One of my least favorite things in the whole wide world. Next to needles and spiders. And heights.
5 days ago
Aaron is going to have laser surgery on his eyes in a few weeks. (Yay for tax refunds!)
He wants me to WATCH during the surgery. I can handle blood, guts, vomit, broken bones, and other bodily fluids, but when it come to the eyes, I FREAK. It makes my eyes water just thinking about it. So I feel your pain. I've always been grateful that I have 20/25 vision and have never needed contacts because I wouldn't have the nerve to put them in.
I had laser surgery. It wasn't as bad as I thought. This was not Lasik surgery. You will live through whatever they do....I promise.
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