My sister Becky and her husband live in Tennessee. He is doing Army/school stuff this summer and she and the kids came out to Oregon to stay with family while she works a summer job. She is working out of town this week and her in-laws wanted to take a little trip without the grandkids. So they got to come to my house! They are sure a fun/cute little bunch to be with.

Here on the couch we have my Nephi, my niece Mercedes and my Michael.

This little blue-eyed darling is my nephew Benjamin. Too bad you can't see the oatmeal on his chin! He is a cute kid. So easy going for a two year old. He can come anytime!
Hey, how fun!!! :)
That cute little munchkin is plotting you demise, Candice, and laying out the initial plans for world domination. Watch out for this one. - ellie
That cute little munchkin has figured out how to get out of his bed. lol It didn't last long though.
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