Benji saw Nephi and Mercedes painting. I told him he couldn't paint - so he is coloring and having a great time.

Mercedes with her masterpiece. She is a multitasker. While she was painting she was telling Christopher he really should eat pancakes for breakfast so he can be strong. Chris hates pancakes but that's what was for breakfast today. Russell told him we weren't Burger King and he couldn't have it his way. lol

Today is a simply gorgeous, sunny, beautiful day! We took the little cousins to the beach. We went to Oceanside. We had a very busy morning as you will see. Here is Mercedes at the start of her seashell collection.

"Cheese!" Whenever the camera was out and Benji saw it - that's what he would say!

At Oceanside beach there is a tunnel that goes through cliff/mountain to more beach on the other side. It's kind of dark in there. Russell is holding Benji's hand. Mercedes jumped in front of the camera just as I took the picture.

Coming out of the tunnel on the other side! We haven't been over here much. Usually it's mostly underwater. Today - there were lots of people and we explored all kinds of stuff we haven't seen before! Great fun for everyone! We discovered really cool caves, tidal pools, rocks, seashells and took lots of pictures.

This is cave #1. Benji went right to the middle of it and plopped down. I noticed he is into throwing rocks - so had a steady supply at hand.

Michael and Mercedes in cave #1.

Nephi and Michael at top of a rock. They are showing off their seashell collection.

Donovan was actually high up. I zoomed in so we could at least see his face!

Here is Christopher. The hater of pancakes who got lectured by his 5 year old cousin. :)

Benji down by the water throwing rocks into the ocean.

One of my personal favorites. Cousins together for a picture. L-R we have Christopher, Donovan, Mercedes, Nephi, Benji and Michael.

Donovan took this picture of Russell and I. It turned out very well I must say.

The tide was really out today so got some really great pictures of these rocks. I just like looking at them!

A tidal pool. These have mussels - very tiny ones. Michael was very insistant that I knew what they were! lol

A fun picture just as the camera batteries died.
Great pictures! Mercedes and Benjamin are so cute! Are they being good for you? :)
They are being awesome. It's fun having a little girl for a change. It's been fun "doing" her hair. How many ways can you do a boy's head of hair? Only one really. At least at our house. lol Mercedes, Chris, Michael and Nephi proceeded to have a repeat of yesterday's episode so we did baths again. At least the laundry will be done for them. With the trip to the beach today the laundry pile has all of a sudden multiplied!
I don't think they're any way possible for these kids to be cuter. You and your sis and spouses should hire them out as models now so that you don't have to scrimp and save for the college educations they're going to need later. - ellie
Thanks Ellie. Actually for our boys anyway - they are going to have to get scholarships and/or earn their way through college. We want it to mean something to them. It's what Russell had to do - while we've been married and it's not something I regret.
Awesomely cute! YAY
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