We had our pack Friday night. Christopher has been working hard and earned lots of awards! He now has the Compass Points patch to add compass arrows to. :) He earned the Artist, Forester and Readyman Activity pins. He also earned the Geology Activity pin and beltloop but wasn't awarded it as there was an oversight. Grandma and Grandpa Rogers were able to join us as well. We had a great time!
That is amazing to earn so many awards. We struggle just to earn the main badges. You must be very organized to get all the activities in. And Christopher must be self-driven.
Chris is not self driven. Period. I just watch and see what he works on at school and what can be signed off in his Webelos book. Ex. his class went on a couple field trips that took care of a couple requirements for Geolgist and Naturalist. Why re-do as a den what their teachers just did in school? You don't. :) He and I just finish the couple requirements left at home so he can earn the activity pin. Right now he also has two awesome leaders. A husband/wife team. They are amazing. When they send work home we make sure he does it. They are extremely organized and don't have time for the boys to dilly dally around. Hooray for them!
I on the other hand am having a heck of a time getting 2 boys done with their Bear requirements. 2 already have them. They are semi-self driven. Their mom is good about helping them along. :) You can't help the boys who don't show up. There is only so much that can be done.
Congrats to Chris (and Mom)!! :)
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