Today is my birthday. I am 37. Russell made me this cake. He did a very good job! For my birthday we are going to the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport tomorrow. That's what I wanted. To spend the day there. It's a very relaxing, neat place.

Chris took a picture of me blowing out the candles. There really weren't 37 candles. There wouldn't be a cake left!

Nephi eating one of those sugary birthday labels.
Ohhhhh, you got one that bakes cakes! What luck you have! (My ex baked me a cake once - in a rimmed cookie sheet. This would have been just fine if he'd not let it in the oven for the full amount of time needed when baked in real cake pans.) Again, happy birthday - and enjoy the aquarium (and its air conditioning) tomorrow! - ellie
Happy Birthday Candace!
Happy birthday again!!!
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