Our Boy Scout troop is doing a wood chopping fundraiser for summer camp. We ordered 4 cords of wood. They (and oldest son Donovan - #3 from left) are loading wood in our wood shed. Russell really likes this arrangement! He doesn't have to haul it, chop it, stack it or even move it! The scouts are doing the whole nine yards.
What a great way to raise funds (not that I don't love the popcorn, but...) *and* tire the kids out! Do you know if this sort of fundraiser is common? I wasn't able to get wood for my stove this past winter because nobody would cut it to the small size I need. Maybe the boyscouts would? - ellie
I passed your question about woodcutting and is it a common fundraiser onto our district executive to pass on to the council where you live. It would be wonderful opportunity for all involved. I hope your area would consider it. :)
Thank you! I think it'd do well up here for sure - especially if they offered sizes other than the standard 18". - ellie
Our woodstove doesn't do the longer pieces of wood either - so they had to cut it to the size we need.
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