Today 11 July 2009 my sister Jessica is marrying Martin Grech. (thanks Karen!) I don't think I have ever seen my sister as happy as she is with him. Congratulations to you both.
I just love this picture! The's the place to be!
I think this was in 2004. It was Nephi's first trip to the beach. The boys were all so little! My have they grown.
Meet the Parents...Russell and Candace
It all started for us when Russell left for Cape Town South Africa on a mission. Candace felt inspired to write him - so she did! We wrote for 3 1/2 years. Candace came home from her mission to the Texas Houston East Mission and we dated for 5 months. We married in July 1994 and have been happy ever after!
Son 1...Donovan
Our 14 year old boy scouter, 50 miler bike rider, cartoon drawer, computer gamer, book reader, clarinet player, babysitter, 8th grader boy!
Son 2...Christopher
Our 13 year old, boy scouter, harry potter computer gamer, lego creator, imaginator, book reader, 6th grader boy!
Son 3...Michael
Our 9 1/2 year old drama king, perfectionist (I wonder if he gets that from mom? lol), drawer of many things, 3rd grader boy!
Son 4...Nephi
Our8 year old keeper of surprises, leg breaker, book listener, lego creator, music enjoyer, 1st grader boy!
I am a part-time home health care worker through the state of Oregon and really enjoy this. I work with the Young Women in our church and do pack training in cub scouts. Life is good.
I am thankful for so many things. Cloudy skies, rain - and even snow when I stay home. I am thankful for my health - that I can walk, bend, stretch, think, rest. I am thankful for my family. The little guys and the big guy too! And extended family too! I am thankful for my talents - which allow me to express myself in different ways. I am thankful for my callings - being with the kids in Primary sure lends a different perspective on things. Cub Scouts keeps me on my toes and helps the boys learn what they need to know. I am thankful for so many things. Thank you Heavenly Father for blessing me so much!
29 May 2008
A family picture taken at Russell's band concert.
2 May 2008
Nephi and his brand-new pair of glasses! He was so excited when the eye doctor called today to let us know they were in! :) He looks so handsome!
21 April 2008
Picture of the day! I could look at this one all day long! It's so....springy.
12 April 2008
Picture of the day!
28 March 2008
My favorite picture of the day. Notice the snow on the tips of the tulips. It just happened to fall that way. It's like a balancing act!
28 March 2008
Another favorite picture. Donovan's snowman friend.
My Favorites...
A clean house
Amazing Race
Being my own boss
Bread baking
Christmas time
Complete Book of Sherlock Holmes
early morning hours before family wakes up
Falling asleep to rain
good scrabble game
Hand Quilting
Jane Austin Books
My dear, kind, wonderful husband
My four boys
Stay-at-home mommy
Wave watching when it's stormy
A really neat poem to remember President Hinckley
Someone wrote this after the news that President Hinckley had passed. It's beautiful, so I thought it was appropriate to share.
Prophet Passing
I imagine he's running to Marjorie now, Yes, running, not waving his cane. I see him embracing his father and mother While they keep repeating his name.
I see him now meeting his forebears, Brother Brigham and Joseph are there. Sweet reunion of prophets, united by service That only such noble men share.
I see him embraced by the Savior While Father says, "Good and well done. So faithful in stalwart endurance, I welcome My noble, most excellent son."
I then hear the ripples of laughter As he says the reception's just fine, But he hopes that he'll get an assignment or two Since there's no need to waste any time.
I can hear his clear voice in the stillness At the close of this sweet Sabbath day, Have faith and move forward — there's work to be done. President Hinckley would want it that way.
1 comment:
It's Grech
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