We had a productive produce day from the garden. :) This afternoon we shelled peas and snapped beans.

Nephi is helping me shell peas. He loves doing this. Really. I promise.

I don't remember the variety of peas I bought but they all have a high yield like this!

Christopher likes to help too.

Nephi likes to eat the peas while he is shelling.

The end product. We did good today. Our freezer will be so pleased!

Now moving on to the beans. Get crackin' and start snappin'.

Nephi loves this job too. I had to go take care of something and he took care of the bean snapping for me.

I saw that! (Michael didn't help shell peas. He just likes to sneak in and eat them.)

The beans are all done. I canned 2 pints today and 2 pints on Monday. I realize that doesn't seem like anything - but you know what - all these little jars I do eventually add up. There are tons of blossoms out there on my beans so I am hopeful we will have a good crop.