Nephi was doing so good for a couple of nights. Last night he woke up an hour after I went to bed. I got up to help him. A couple hours later he woke up again because his leg (in the cast) was itching. I had him come to our room and sleep in a comfy sleeping bag and I laid down beside him so I could rub his back and both of us fall back asleep. About an hour later Russell woke up and woke me up to come back to bed. About 2 hours later Nephi woke up again because his leg was itching again. Then it was time to get up to take Donovan at 5:30 a.m. to his scoutmaster's house. There was a make up 50 mile bike hike this morning for boys who couldn't go last Saturday. Donovan wanted to go for fun. I came home at 6 a.m. and looked online for a bit for a new hairstyle. I am getting my hair cut Monday morning and I am excited! I fell asleep on the couch about 6:45 a.m. for a couple of hours. I would still be asleep except Christopher was yelling at Michael about something he thought Michael should be doing.
How was your sleep last night?
5 days ago
i'm so sorry, dear. poor you! i can relate to nephi, though, and the itchies (my itchies are coming from the inside, not the skin surface - so it's kind of like being stuck in a cast) - and how they're so frustrating they make you want to cry. at least you managed to get a few hours of rest, though (although it surely wasn't enough). maybe you can take it a bit easy today (well as easy as a mum can take it with a family to care for). excellent re the haircut - but please don't look to piccies of me for inspiration. this bald look is way too hard to keep up (seriously - i don't know how guys who intentionally shave their heads deal with it - there might not be any shampooing or hair care products involved - but there is razoring and conditioning and all kinds of other annoying things) - and i'm a "wash, shake and go" kinda person (or am i a dog in human clothes :-). feel good, take care and hugs! ellie
You asked Candace! Last night I got about 2 1/2 hours of sleep! How's that!?! Riven was sick...fever and stuff. But while I was up I sure got a lot of cleaning done! Why am I still up right now??? It's 10:08 pm. Gnite!
Well I hope Riven slept better tonight! Want to come clean my house? lol
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