From my Michael.....
"I'm a lucky man."
Me: "Why's that?"
Michael: "Because tomorrow when I do my chore - I only have two things to pick. Yep - I'm a lucky man."
From my Nephi.....
Last week BEFORE he broke his leg - while we waited for extended family to come visit....
Michael: "Mom - when are Grandpa and Grandma coming?"
Me: "In a little while."
Nephi: (I LOVE this comment.) "A little while is HALF of a while."
5 days ago
i can just see michael's little smiling face singing "i'm a lucky man, i'm a lucky man". and nephi looking at you so sincerely and so sure of himself. you've got quite the good group there.
Michael would be doing that. Nephi on the other hand - is very sure of himself all the time. He cracks me up with his "know it all" attitude sometimes. And the funny thing is - he's usually right!
I'm glad you found me. I can't believe how big all your boys are!!! I guess time flies, huh?
Hey Andra! Welcome to my blog! :) Yeah - time really does fly. It's been 3 years since we've moved up to Oregon. We really do miss all our friends we made in Arizona. We would still be there too if money wasn't so important for survival. That's how much we loved it there.
Your boys are so funny! I love their little comments. And by the way, thank you for YOUR comments on my blog. I am so new at this I did not even realize there were some comments under some of my posts...thanks for the interaction! It is fun to keep up this way!
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