I go to pick them up and the dad says the boys don't want to come home tonight. They want to spend the night with his family. That was fine by me. They have a great time over there. I would think out of all the boys though - that Michael would be the one with broken bones. He likes thrills and speeds. Here he is figuring out how to operate a four wheeler. Not that he is big enough. But he does know how to start it and use the throttle with a grown-up steering. Hmmmmm....he (we) will have to start taking stock in the insurance company.

you keep mentioning "ward" so i looked it up and now have a better idea of what it is. very cool that you have families that are willing to help out. very cool (i think) that the boys wanted to stay the night. extra insurance might not be a bad idea. michael is the one with "the face" after all. his little brain is, right now, calculating what he's going to do when he's no longer too small to drive that thing. and "the face" is smiling that "i'm up to something" smile.
I'm so glad you have help. Love those ward families... Blessings to you and Nephi and the rest of the family for a speedy recovery and as few frayed nerves as possible. :)
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