5 days ago
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Time flys....
The past couple of days have been a whirlwind of going here/going there. Nephi got a full leg cast put on yesterday. Then we spent last night and this morning with Mom and Dad Z. and Aunt Carrie today. The boys had fun playing with cousins. Grandpa made Nephi a little go-cart type thing for using inside. I can't keep hauling the wheelchair in and out. It's way too heavy. At any rate - I will post pics later. I forgot the camera at Nephi's appointment yesterday and am too tired to do anything about pictures today. Nephi still hasn't slept through the night since he broke his leg. I am really hoping he can tonight. I need sleep. I haven't felt this sleep deprived since the boys were babies and either sick or nursing or in some cases - both.
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I just love this picture! The beach...it's the place to be!

I think this was in 2004. It was Nephi's first trip to the beach. The boys were all so little! My have they grown.
Meet the Parents...Russell and Candace

It all started for us when Russell left for Cape Town South Africa on a mission. Candace felt inspired to write him - so she did! We wrote for 3 1/2 years. Candace came home from her mission to the Texas Houston East Mission and we dated for 5 months. We married in July 1994 and have been happy ever after!
Son 1...Donovan
Our 14 year old boy scouter, 50 miler bike rider, cartoon drawer, computer gamer, book reader, clarinet player, babysitter, 8th grader boy!
Son 2...Christopher
Our 13 year old, boy scouter, harry potter computer gamer, lego creator, imaginator, book reader, 6th grader boy!
Son 3...Michael
Our 9 1/2 year old drama king, perfectionist (I wonder if he gets that from mom? lol), drawer of many things, 3rd grader boy!
Son 4...Nephi

Our8 year old keeper of surprises, leg breaker, book listener, lego creator, music enjoyer, 1st grader boy!
We had a fun visit! YAY
Poor little boy. He's a little trooper, he has a lot of determination and bravery. How's he handling it? Is he in pain yet? Hope he makes a great recovery. You are a super family... You have to take care of him when he's passing this ordeal, breaking a leg for a boy could be the worse experience in his life of course, and you are doing a super excellent job... GET WELL SOON!!! My best wishes and a lot of greetings for all of you...=)
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