Yesterday I went back to Fred Meyers as their blueberries were $3.98 for a 2 lb box. They were great quality so I bought 4 boxes. I canned all of them and I now have 40 half pints to add to our food storage for the next year! We only use these canned ones for blueberry muffins though. Which we like a lot.

Well - Nephi may have a broken leg but he certainly hasn't lost his throwing abilities. He got mad at Michael and threw a toy at his face giving Michael a split lip. Hmmmm. Some days I wish I had a room that was padded I could toss them in and throw away the key.
Except that they'd still find some way to hurt each other, right? :)
Yeah - but I wouldn't be able to HEAR them! :)
glad to see nephi is feeling better (she says as the sarcasm drips out of her mouth and onto the froggie jammie bottoms). poor michael. it seems that christopher somehow manages to keep out of harm's way. maybe he should give donovan and michael some tips? well despite the wounds of the day you got all of those yummy blueberries canned and ready for winter!!! and at least you didn't have the pleasure of watching your little dog wolf down a bowl a kibble while simultaneously, well, you know, on his own feet.
Hi Ellie!
Well - quite frankly - Christopher has some issues with his anger management and both Michael and Nephi are usually at the receiving ends. Sometimes Donovan is too. I don't want them taking lessons from Chris as he is the disher outer of harm around here.
BTW - your little dog cracks me up! How come he didn't run far and fast the other day? lol
Look at all this stuff you have canned! I love it and will you teach me someday? YOu are my hero. I have tried several times to leave comments and they just disappear. Your blog does not like me! I hope this one works. You are amazing and glad that Nephi is doing better. Thanks for all your comments on my blog! I am just realizing that people do leave comments and so I am behind in reading them. I have three family websites I read, also, so it is tough to keep up!
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