If you read the next post down - you will see that today Sunday is turning out not so well. At least for some people in our family. Take Nephi for instance....he likes to climb the doorway of the bedroom and jump. Well he jumped all right. So did his bones. He has a nasty spiral fracture down his calf and is in a splint right now. The ER gave me Tylenol with codeine for him so he can rest comfortably. In the next couple days we will be taking a trip to Portland to see the orthopedic surgeon for a cast. I will update him as I find out more. For now he will camp out on my bed as Russell is gone. That way I can help him in the night.

Poor little guy.
OH NO! Yikes! I hope he's doing okay (and you too). Get someone to give him a blessing!
Ouchies! Poor Nephi! I hope he feels okay tonight.
OMG!!!! oh i'm speechless. that poor thing - and with only a month left until school starts. you have someone to go to portland with you, correct? (maybe this would be a nice use of extended family members). are you holding up ok? geez why do these things always happen at the wrong times? (big sigh) if you need any moral support know that i'm here for you. wish i could be there but, well, you know. i'll say extra prayers for you nephi and the rest of the brood tonight.
You really sound so calm. Maybe the post is past the time of freak out!
Kim -
If it was MY leg - I would be freaking out. It's not - so it's all good.
Ellie - If it works with my friend's schedule tomorrow and a dr. for Nephi - we will carpool as she has stuff to do in Portland anyway. Otherwise I will go by myself - which isn't a big deal.
Meg - our home teachers came last night and gave him a blessing.
Andrea - it was a LONG night. Tonight can only be better. I hope.
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