I took Nephi to the ortho/fracture clinic today. They x-rayed his pelvis to make sure there wasn't any damage higher up. All is well there. :) Nephi did scream the 1 1/2 hour drive in though. His seatbelt was bothering him. I did stop to try and fix it - apparently I didn't do the job.
He doesn't need surgery to fix his leg. Hooray! I will take him back in a week for a full leg cast. Nephi chose a glow-in-the-dark cast. Not that he will be awake to see it of course. I guess since it will be so large - his brothers might be able to use it as a night light. :)

Getting ready to go back to the car after being examined.

Nephi was on Tylenol/codeine and it wasn't helping with the pain. We upgraded to Tylenol/vicoden for him. This is about 40 minutes after he got the first dose and a clean shirt and a sponge bath and a teeth brushing time. He is OUT! Just before he fell asleep I asked if his leg hurt. He couldn't feel any pain. This should be a much better night. I hope.
YAY for nothing worse than what it's been! YAY for having such a cute boy! YAY for the other boys having so much fun! And last, but not least, YAY for vicodin!! ROFL!
I'm glad he's on the mend and that they gave him better pain meds.
Poor guy.
could he be anymore adorable? i know he's broken right now and i shouldn't be focusing on the cute factor - but come on. the piccie of him in the splint is just precious. give him a hug from me and let him know his non-auntie auntie is thinking about him (and looking forward to the day-glo cast piccies). hugs for you too dear :-)
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