We had a productive produce day from the garden. :) This afternoon we shelled peas and snapped beans.

Nephi is helping me shell peas. He loves doing this. Really. I promise.

I don't remember the variety of peas I bought but they all have a high yield like this!

Christopher likes to help too.

Nephi likes to eat the peas while he is shelling.

The end product. We did good today. Our freezer will be so pleased!

Now moving on to the beans. Get crackin' and start snappin'.

Nephi loves this job too. I had to go take care of something and he took care of the bean snapping for me.

I saw that! (Michael didn't help shell peas. He just likes to sneak in and eat them.)

The beans are all done. I canned 2 pints today and 2 pints on Monday. I realize that doesn't seem like anything - but you know what - all these little jars I do eventually add up. There are tons of blossoms out there on my beans so I am hopeful we will have a good crop.
You all have an amazing family. It reminds me of when I was little. Before I went to war and everything was innocent. Sorry just a moment of self reflection. Anyhow God Bless and carry on with your family. You all are truely blessed.
Candace, I like your kitchen. Is that a double oven or a microwave on top? You are definitely getting more out of your garden than I am, but my garden didn't really have much to start with. I did pick 4 tomatoes this morning. I've only gotten 2 zucchini and 2 squash so far. I am disappointed in that. I am going to have to do a raised bed next year, I think that will help.
Carrying on the old family traditions... you remind me of Grandma Dot and Grandma Keen. :)
Hi Matt. Welcome to my blog. My DH can totally relate to your moment of self reflection. He is in the National Guard and has spent his time at war as well.
Hi Kim! No - sadly I do not have a double oven. Just a regular one with a microwave on top. :)
Hey Millie! Sometimes I feel like I should have been born in Great-grandma's and Grandma's generations! I love gardening, canning and most of the stuff those women did to run their households. I really like the modern day appliances though to speed things along. lol
the gardening part: i like. the preparing part: i like. the canning part: i may or may not like. with my luck i'd do something horribly wrong and end up poisoning people. looking great - but what happened to the promise of day-go for nephi? makes me want to send a can of paint in the box that should be shipping from here today.
Candace! You amaze me. You are my hero. I want to learn to can and I want a garden from which I can get stuff to can. Can I live by you for a week so you can pass on all this canning knowledge to me? I love that you love all the stuff that was like the old days. No wonder we have always been friends (I like that stuff, too, but without all the talents you have to do it).
Thanks for all your comments on my blog. I actually took a long time to realize that people leave comments and so I got really behind in reading them and still forget sometimes to check. I am getting better. It is fun to keep up with each other this way!
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